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Crystal during pregnancy

Dresden University Hospital offers support for crystal-dependent mothers and fathers. Around 20 crystal-dependent mothers are treated every year, and now fathers are also being integrated into the therapy programme. The "Mum, think of me" project supports young women in their new role, particularly after giving birth, and aims to prevent parents and child from having to be separated. Professor Maximilian Pilhatsch is head of the outpatient addiction clinic at Dresden University Hospital and is part of the interdisciplinary offer that gives young families in difficult situations a perspective. The paediatric and gynaecological clinic is located in the immediate vicinity of the outpatient addiction clinic in the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. This means that women who use drugs and their children are cared for by the doctors at the University Hospital during and after pregnancy. The aim of the treatment is abstinence, and in a phase lasting around six months with joint sessions in the mothers' group, the women are also supported by the social services. The programme is now being expanded, partly with the help of prize money. Maximilian Pilhatsch and his team have been honoured with the Otsuka Team Award Psychiatry worth 10,000 euros for their project.

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